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Basic anatomy lesson that describes what happens if you snort Vicodin. How it enters the body and what it does. A list of what happens when you snort Vicodin here.
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Generic Adderall - What is the generic.28.07.2008 · Been on pain meds since December 2007.I have herniated discs, pinched nerves etc.. I go to pain mgmt and get a presc. every 28 days..Last night I went
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Note: If you want to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), please read "How Do I Apply For SSI?"

16.01.2009 · Best Answer: I've done this several times (just the Adderall), but I would NOT recommend it 1) If you just eat 2 10-30mg tablets, you'll feel it for
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My doctor gave me a med that is labeled "amphet mixed" on the label. The pill looks exactly like the adderall xr 30mg capsule but instead says "M. Amphet Salts; 30 mg
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What happens if you snort Vicodin? |.
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